For those of you that said the MDX didnt have enough space, did you mean cargo space? We own a MDX and it is plenty big, it always has enough room. When I say always I mean always, we have hauled large items on several occasions and we never had trouble getting it to fit. Sutch as today, we had to haul an item from Costco, huge item, we didnt think it would fit. It also weighed over 500 pounds. As you can see in the pic below, it fit perfectly, didnt even notice the extra weight when driving home.
The MDX truley has been a terefic SUV for us. I personaly however think it is lacking in power. The newer MDX's are better in that department as well as many others but I still feel that for 2004, the Cadillac SRX is number one and the Infinity FX is number two. Please read my post on the link I posted earlyer, I talk all about the differences between the units.