codex, good call. I completely forgot about that, and I shouldn't have. My hazard lights button, my volume control, and my temp control are all on the right side of the dash because of the very same reason. I guess I just looked at it and instantly got pissed off without looking for a logical explanation, haha.
jrt, I guess you're lucky that your passengers actually have a brain. This one kid I know has a Subaru WRX and this one friend of mine was riding in his car and just randomly pulled the hand-brake up, completely of nowhere while he was driving.
So basically, here in Northern NJ, I actually have to look out for stupidity. One week-end I had two friends in my car in NYC and one of them ripped the handle thing above your head (wherever you are sitting in the car) that you use to hold onto while being a passenger in the car, and doubles as like a clothes hanger. He used that to get himself out of the car and it freaking ripped out of its place. My local body shop guy got it back in place, but I think it will just pop out again if somebody pulls on it too hard. Can you imagine how frustrating that can be? I am the one doing the driving, can you at least give my car a little respect??? Sheesh!!