MyHarley said:
I love my Valentine 1 and the more I use the more I learn.......just got back from Shreveport.........Mapquest stated 5 hours 26 minutes......well I got there from Houston in 3 hours and 28 minutes and stopped are right there is nothing for instant laser but you should learn how to speed wisely, [slap] not to speed excessively without pointers (other cars) in the front and at least one pointer in the back......this is what protects you from instant will pick up the radar if someone in front of you has been subjected to instant radar.......also my back radar was a lot more receptive than the notice I was getting from the front,,,,,,,,so I mounted a little higher and now its receptive on front and back at a much quicker notice.......I felt totally wiped out after my trip from all the concentration and excessive speed for this trip, being on alert the whole time was wearing me became a game and luckily this trip, I hit the bonus round with no tickets either way, but passed least 10 round trip getting tickets, such a shame..........