BMW325- WOW - don't miss the message here, and be a typical liberal. If you are saying doctors don't practice defensive medicine and its not costing millions you need to take your blinders off. Lawyers and law suits are totally out of control (medical and nonmedical) and doctors are trying to protect themselves whether it is done by design or not. The actual dollars paid in law suits as a percentage of the cost of health care are small(although a big number by itself), but the preception is high which leads to the situation we are in. Now on the other side there needs to be away for the public to get information on their doctor as to how competent they are and doctors must be responsible for the tests they order. Meaning that some tests are very expensive and are done just in case. I think right now doctors are monitored by other doctors ( good ole boys club) and it doesn't work. Have an unbiased board montior and provide information, and with that some legal protection would be afforded but not total protection. If unchecked it would give them ( any profession for that matter) a license for abuse. This is called checks and balances . As for the Precriptions, doctors give them out like there is no tomorrow, everyone I know gets one. Its part public demand and part the doctors fault for not explaining what other non drug related solutions there are or finding the least costly drug. The drug companies also play a roll in here because of the cost of the drugs. There is a fine line between controlling the cost of the drug from the drug company (more govenment regulation) and limiting drug research due to lack of return on investment. The system needs to be changed, but, not to a government program.
Debate on any topic is good as long as it is done with an open mind with a pursuit of a fair solution.
Debate on any topic is good as long as it is done with an open mind with a pursuit of a fair solution.