Dude the gameplay setup is so much fun and addicting, and the racing is so fun. The game is realistic, so you can't go 100mph+ and make a sharp left turn or something stupid like that. The game rewards you for properly apexing the turns....braking right before entry, making the turn, and then accelerating out of it. Now you start off with some money and you buy some shit car. First you need to use that car to get the proper licenses to participate in some races. You get a license by going to the DMV and doing a section of a track in a certain amount of time. Once you meet all the requirements, you get your license and you can start racing. You race your car and you come in 1st to move onto the next race, but you also get $$$ for winning races. You use that money to modify your car to make it faster and shit...and it's like rice, because each mod adds a certain amount of hp, and the mods are different per car. Once you've won mad races and you have mad loot, you use the money to buy a new car and participate in different races. Different races have different requirements...for example, some are "roadster only" races, or "FR Cup" which is like Front engine, Rear wheel drive cup. And then there is "MR Cup" which is Mid engine and Rear wheel drive. But you can use a Boxster for the "Roadster" cup and for the "MR Cup" since the Boxster meets both requirements. It's just mad fun and addictive....