there any car donation places for College Students?

I am an undergrad college student who recently got kicked out of my house for wanting to go to college. Funny right!! Well whatever, I am staying with my sister and I want to get a decent job but everything around here is either too far or don’t pay enough. I already work part time as a Photo Tech but I need something to help my sister pay the bills. I tried to apply for one of those free car donation place and they were. I knew it was a long shot but I gave it a try and it made me feel more like. I was just wondering if anyone knew if their is any place where a college student can apply for a car donation. I have proof from school teachers and friends. I am not lying I just really need to start helping out my sister. I would like this place to be preferably formed MA or NH. Thank you and I hope you can help

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
It is OK for you to ask your question here but you do not need to post it three times please. I know of no such program because to be a recipient of such a thing you would have to be a registered charity.
The typical "Donate Your Car" organizations are only interested in getting whatever cash value they can get out of the donated car. In general they do not give away the cars, they take the vehicle and sell it or scrap it. It is ONLY a method to raise CASH for their non-profit organization, not a program to give away cars.

The very FEW instances I have ever heard of charities giving someone a car are very specific to a proven needy person with dependents, such as a single mother with solid employment history who is employable but does not have transportation, and is LOCAL to the charity, as in the same city or town.
San Fernando Valley, So. CA
Exactly my thoughts!! Sounds sketchy and fishy. A very, very odd post on our Board.

Also, it says a Red 2008 330i by his name. They don't even make a 2008 330i, as it is now 335i (I think since 2007). Weird!!

Is he asking to find a place, a charity, that will give him a car, or a place that will buy his car from him? If he really has a 330i, why in the hell is he looking to get a free car. The more I read this post, the more confused, and for some reason irritated, I become!
