Solo Hybrids in Carpool lanes

Fair or foul? Hybrids allowed in carpool lanes regardless of # of occupants.

LOS ANGELES Aug 4, 2005 — Hybrid car owners are fast approaching the day when they will be allowed to drive solo in California's car pool lanes.

State lawmakers passed a bill last year that gave some types of the high-mileage, low-emission vehicles access to the coveted lanes a privilege meant to encourage drivers to buy the environmentally friendly cars.

California's law was supposed to take effect Jan. 1 but first needed approval from the federal government. That permission was tucked into a $286 billion transportation bill Congress passed last week, meaning there is just one last strand of red tape keeping hybrids out of the high-occupancy vehicle lanes: State air regulators need to clarify which vehicles meet the mileage and emissions standards.

The policy's supporters hope hybrids will be allowed in the car pool lanes by year's end.

"Knowing that you're able to drive in that car pool lane would be huge, and I think it would attract others to say, `Hey, I should have a car like this as well,'" said Andrew Werts, a 31-year-old marketing director from Redondo Beach who recently sold his SUV and bought a Toyota Prius.

Only two other models Honda's hybrid Civic and Insight meet the eligibility standards of at least 45 miles per gallon and almost no smog-causing emissions, according to an aide to the author of California's bill, Assemblywoman Fran Pavley, a Democrat.

California will become the second state to allow hybrids with just one person in the car to use car pool lanes. Virginia enacted the change in 2000, and Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia and Minnesota are considering it.


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
VERY STUPID. Why? Becuase they require many more resources to produce (entire electrical system, and the harmful materials in the batteries). There are a bunch of cars around that get better gas mileage than the hybrids and they can actually CARRY more than 2 people...
Northern California
The current hybrids are little cars, so picture them driving in the far left carpool lane and then trying to cut across traffic in front of real cars to get to their exits.

I don't think it would be fair to allow any cars with fewer than the required number of passengers (2 or 3) in the carpool lanes. After all, there are people who can't afford the overpriced hybrids who are carpooling like good citizens... But then, this is California and stupidity and unfairness rule here when political correctness rears its ugly head.

Simi Valley, CA
I think its a great idea. Save fuel, pollute less and keep our fuel prices down. The only problem is that you cannot walk into a Toyota dealership and purchase a Prius that day. There is a shortage of these cars (about a 3 month wait list on average).

I have another idea: Allow people with handicapped placards to drive in the two right lanes only! Since they are claiming they cannot walk from a regular parking spot, then they are not in good enough physical shape to drive in the "fast" lanes.
