Need help from you guys

Nowhere near you ;)
Hiya all, lon time no post ;)

Anyways the problem i am having right now is that one of my 2 750il´s has
been stolen . We have been searching for it for a while now, and last night a friend of mine almost tripped over a engine and transmission, and by thatwas sitting an identical door from my car.

So my friend tryed to find any engine vin numbers on the engine itself,
but didnt quite realise WHAT exactly it was supposed to look like, or
where it was so he wrote down every single numbercombination that he
found. Some of them were ill recogniseable.

I have contacted my dealership and they sent BMW in germany a request
for the engine vin number and said it was becouse of a stolen car and a
possible engine from the car that has been found, and they responded RIGHT
back. I am so happy with theyr services, they obviously can get through for
one when one is in need.

So anyways, one of the number combinations that my friend wrote down
had a / in it, but it is almost identical to the combination BMW in germany
sent me.

So .. my question is this,
CAN there be a / in a engine vin number combination?
Where can i find the vin number?
How can i be shure it IS the vin number?

I would love to get some good replyes soon, we are working on this
as we speak, and this needs to be cleared up in a few hours,
and i just cant reach anyone in the bmw dealership at this moment
who knows everything about vin numbers and so on.

In hopes of fast replyes,
Audi in windy Iceland

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
I do not know if there is a VIN number on the engine, I think it is an engine number, but I could be wrong. Check the VIN number on the door next to the engine, it should be reall easy to find. If it matches yours you have a good strong case that the engine it as well. Call your local police and get them involved.
Winston Salem, NC
There should be a sticker somewhere on the engine that has the complete VIN number of the vehicle. It looks exactly like the VIN stickers on the doors and fenders. I have no idea where it would be located on the V-12 engine, but on the M20 six cylinders it is located on the driver's side of the block behind the alternator.
Nowhere near you ;)
Thanks guys,
i think i´ve figured out where i can find the engine VIN

So i´m just hoping now that this is my engine, and then i can
therefrom work on getting the rest of the car back.
The local police is involved, and this case is quite weird,
since there are only 17 e32 750´s in use here.

Some criminals are just not quite as smart as they
should be if they were trying to pull a thing like this off
on a tiny island like this, with 300.000 people inhabitants.
Winston Salem, NC
I certainly hope you can get some answers about what happened to your car. However, I cringe at the thought that that beautiful engine is sitting somewhere by itself next to one of the doors - that wouldn't leave me with much hope of getting the car back in anything but pieces.

Definitely keep us posted on what comes of it.
