Not very objective...
Anyone can put a spin on anything and make it sound and/or look completely different than in reality... Case in point: Benz. while I may be a Bimmer driver and lover, there is no doubt, IMHO opinion the merc's are as good if not a better car. However this OBVIOUSLY does not include the lower C models- which in my opinion is how this survey placed benz as low as it did. The E and S classes are incredible cars- The E420 is one of my favorite models ever and it is a superb car to drive and own.
BMW at 11? Maybe not that much of a surprise- but in terms of enjoyment of driving, I'm sure it would be way up top if they looked at it that way.
I'm an economist- there was a really clever economist in one of the trade journals talking about world hunger and the idea of earth not having enough room for everyone... Scoffing at the idea (which one of the magazines tried to treat as a serious and real issue) put his own article together and put forward the idea that if you were to take every human being on earth (based on a 6.5 billion population) and split them into 4 person groups and put them on 1/4 acre, you can fit the entire world in texas! Clever YES, but proof that anyone can put a spin on something and change it all around- the whittiest of them can do it on the fly with no warning- usually those people tend to be politicians or comedians... (sometimes interchangeable)
My opinion is while it's an interesting presentation, I take it for what it is- slanted!